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yes because they are around about the same size and the built positioning is in the same spot.

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Q: Will crf50 plastics fit on a terramoto 125?
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Would a graphics kit for a crf50 fit on a crf80?

No the plastics are too big for the graphics.

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Hell no! , The changes in the frames and the plastics are dramitic

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Everything should be an exact fit. Check out for all your KTM questions

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Highly unlikely, I would suggest finding someone who has an 07 and checking the fit before I buy one.

Can you make 2005 plastics fit on a 2001 ktm sx 125?

It has a different part number so it will not bolt right on, but with a little bit of persuading, it would probably fit.

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It won't be a bolt on clean operation, but you could probably get the fenders to work, not sure about the side panels and the tank is different so I doubt the radiator shrouds would fit. But if you have a hacksaw, dremel and a drill, anything is possible.

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with a little snipping there should be no problem. if you don't mind doing a little hand work. it's possible because i slapped 1999 yz 250 plastics on my 1990 yz 125.

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the 09 plastics would probably most likely fit it. NO only plastics will fit a 99 is anything from 99 - 02, but you can order new plastics from any year bike from the factory & they will give you the right bolt spots.

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I have a 07 250 rmz i would like to know if the 2010 plastics will fit ?