Hell no! , The changes in the frames and the plastics are dramitic
It won't be a bolt on clean operation, but you could probably get the fenders to work, not sure about the side panels and the tank is different so I doubt the radiator shrouds would fit. But if you have a hacksaw, dremel and a drill, anything is possible.
Everything should be an exact fit. Check out KTMTalk.com for all your KTM questions
Highly unlikely, I would suggest finding someone who has an 07 and checking the fit before I buy one.
KTM 125
yes there is the ktm ktm 85 ktm 110 ktm 125 ktm 150 ktm 250 ktm 500
how do i adjust the tickover on a ktm 125 sx 2007 model
kx 125 is better because KTM 125 or any ktm snap so go with kx 125
It has a different part number so it will not bolt right on, but with a little bit of persuading, it would probably fit.
i got my 2000 ktm 125 sx doin 70 mph stock acrossed a lake
a ktm sx 125 is a great bike mine has never let me donw and they are reely fast bikes 1.KTM 125 The KTM and the YZ are the only two that make them right now.... 2.YZ 125 3.KX 125 4.RM 125 5.CR 125
for 2009 KTM 125SX $5998 US