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Not all of them are though. NASCAR goes to two road courses that make both left and right turns. Racing always consists of a circle and enable to keep speeds and thrill up, you have to go in only one direction with banking in the corners to keep the speed up as well.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

That is a mis-nomer. They turn left and right on road-courses.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Ever been to Watkins Glen, NY. NASCAR runs the road course. Lefts AND rights.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They always turn left because on a race track you go counter clockwise and that means you go left. They can turn right but usually they turn left.

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Q: Why do Nascar drivers only make left turns?
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Because they didn't make it in F1.

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A NASCAR driver makes more money than a soccer player. NASCAR drivers also make a lot of money from sponsors.

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One of my GRIPS is the availability of autographs, in Nascar the drivers are very free with signing autographs, other sports its very hard to get one, the sports figures do-not make themselves available like Nascar drivers do. So my answer to you (in my opinion) is its a people sport.

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A Nascar drivers pay is determined by how they do in the race. The drivers divide the purse with first and second place drivers being paid the most.

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There are several disadvantages and advantages to a median. One advantage is that it avoids collisions of cars driving in opposite directions. One disadvantage is that drivers must make more U-turns in order to make left turns.

How many drivers make improper right turns?

it could be 10002

Do UPS drivers only make right turns?

That is almost true

How many drivers make improper right turns on a protected left turn?

Unfortunately, no real stats on this are available, except to say that it's a rather common thing.

How much money does a female Nascar driver make?

Female Nascar drivers can make just as much as the male drivers. It all depends on how the driver finishes in each particular race. Different races have different payouts. There is no discrimination, if a woman won the Daytona 500, she is guaranteed to win over $1 million.

Why don't Nascar races go the other way on track and make right turns?

Because the world would explode.