Generally petty cash funds range around 25 dollars for minor needs for a business such as pencils, other office equipment, or breaking bills early in the morning when a customer presents a large bill and you haven't had many customers yet. Most register drawers start off with 75 dollars assorted from 10s, 5s, Quarters, Dimes, Nickles and Pennies. At the end of the night, the petty cash fund is replenished if it was used. Most cases petty cash fund is not used.
establishment of fund: petty cash fund xx cash in bank xx payment of expenses out of the petty cash fund: expenses xx petty cash fund xx
Fluctuating fund system is handling petty cash fund wherein every expenses/voucher is debited directly with petty cash fund as a credit. The petty cash fund is debited only whenever there is a replenishment wherein the proforma entry is:
A company check in the amount of $219 would replenish the funds.
yes. the entry should be: petty cash fund debit cash in bank credit
Dr Bank Account Cr Petty Cash Account
Dr Bank Account Cr Petty Cash Account
Debit Petty cash account 1400 Credit Cash account 1400
some time its subjected to theft. example;when some body wants petty cash fund
When establishing the fund.
An Accountant or Accounts clerk is typically responsible for Petty Cash,
Petty cash transactions are small, miscellaneous purchases or expenses. In business, there is usually a separate cash fund for this type of transaction.