WRC-TV was created on 1947-06-27.
A Calender containing information about the WRC Rally can be found on the official website of the WRC. This Calender shows the winners of past WRC events as well as dates for future events.
F1- Formual one WRC - World Rally Championship
Sebastian loeb
The average salary of a truck driver is 45,000 dollars. This is usually the salary of over the road drivers, rather than the drivers who stick close to home.
The average salary for truck drivers is around 45,000 dollars a year. This is usually for over the road truck drivers. The ones that stay closer to home make a little less.
The person that has 1 the most wrc titles is Seb Loeb
world rallying championship.
Their salary is based on where they finish in the points standings at the end of the race for the chase.
The WRC stands for World Rally Championship and consists of 13 day events of racing. The World Rally Championship was designed by FIA.