depending on the bike and surface you can start in 1st, 2nd and 3rd but most common gear to use is 2nd gear
That would depend entirely on how you use your bike (motocross or woods). If you race it, what do you want it to do ... overall top speed, pull holeshots, etc. By the way stock gearing on the 98 is 13/51.
During a NASCAR race.
pro fuel, super never regular its bad for the bike an race grade oil to mix so it should be a mix of race grade oil an super gas
we use mouth gears for boxing and mixed martial arts
Some songs i like are: Coastin' by Zion I, Opposite of adults by Chiddy Bang, all of Eminem, Biggie Smalls, etc. Use whatever genre of music you like. Yes, Rock is portrayed in most motocross videos. I myself race motocross and love rap, hip hop, etc. I believe there are two kinds of motocross people. The people with their flat-brim fox hats on backwards, who like rap, and the kind with longer hair, and like rock music. So just be yourself.
Matching the gears to mesh properly.
there are no gears of war or gears of war 2 cheats but there are glitches
Yes, all these companies make shirts jackets and helmets with there stuff on it just to sue you. no they dont care what kind of s*** you wear. you just cant go into an actual motocross race without there approval. no its not illegal for domestic use. if your still afraid to wear it get yourself some walmart brand s***
No, the MX-1 suit is a One piece leather suit that is used for road riding/racing, not for motocross.
By dirt bike do you mean and enduro bike or a motocross bike or some other bike at all? For any bike except motocross bike you definitely need license, and for motocross bike you don't, because you can't ride it on the streets at all... You can only use it in motocross tracks and for that you need to have a special permit...
Mechanical energy (If you use gears). Sometimes other energy