The different classes represent different horsepower and skill levels. I don't know the off road truck class breakdowns, but for motorcycles the classes are broken down into 125, 250 and open class, then each one of those classes has a amateur, intermediate and pro (expert) class.
No,but they do race 250s in the lower class and in the higher class they race 450s
Class: Classy Race: Not Black
Discrimination is the unfair treatment of another person based on their race or social class.
There really is no answer to this as you are the only person that knows what race and class you want to be.
Class changes are not possible in World of Warcraft at this time. If you want to change your race, you can only choose from races which have your current class available. For instance, if you are a Night Elf Druid, you can only change into a Worgen, Tauren or Troll - these are races that have the Druid class available.
No, class can reffer to many things which would denote a class, income bracket being one of them, where as race reffers specifically to a persons genetics. class is social, race is genetic.
prefferably the 85cc class
4 years old you can race motox. (50cc class)
if he is just starting then 250 beg
Paula S. Rothenberg has written: 'White privilege' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Race relations, Psychology, Race identity, Whites, Racism 'Race, Class, and Gender in the United States 5e & Pocket Style Manual 3e 01 Upd' 'Race, Class & Gender & White Privilege' 'Race, Class, and Gender in the United States'