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Q: Is a Suzuki RM a trail bike?
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Related questions

Where can one find reviews about a Suzuki RM 125?

Reviews on a Suzuki RM 125 can be found on the following sites: YouTube, Thumper Talk, My Dirt Bike, Suzuki Cycles, Product Review, Review Centre, and Bike Sales.

Where is the id number on your 2005 suzuki rm 250 dirt bike for dmv forms?

where do i find the id number on a rm 250 suzuki dirtbike

What bike does travis pastrana use?

he uses a suzuki RM 199

Where is the mileage on a Suzuki RM 250?

The RM 250 is a motocross bike that has no odometer, therefore there is no way of keeping up with the mileage.

What does the abbreviation RM 85 refer to?

RM 85 is not an abbreviation, it is a name of a bike. RM 85 bike is made by Suzuki. One can purchase it from online websites like Craigslist, Auto Trader and many more.

What is an RM?

RM is Suzuki dirt bike model (RM85 RM125) they are the best bikes on the market (varying on the driver) :). hope i helped

What is oil fuel mixture for 1988 Suzuki Rm 80 dirt bike?


Spark plug for a 1989 suzuki rm 125?

The spark plug for this bike is Ngk Br8es.

What is pastrana's favorite dirt bike?

He rides a Suzuki RM 250 2-stroke. It's not necessarily his favorite bike, but it is who he is sponsored by.

What gas should you use in your suzuki rm 80 cc bike?

You should run 93 or higher

What bike does travis pastrana ride?

He rides a RM125 and RM250 for freestyle and races a RM-Z 450 on the track.

What year is Suzuki rm 125 vin JS1RF15AXT2101935?

the tenth digit which in your case is a t makes this bike a 1996