He rides a RM125 and RM250 for freestyle and races a RM-Z 450 on the track.
dirt bike
Hi Travis Pastrana my name is Jeremy I'm 27 from Australia, I have always wanted to ride dirt bikes like the supercross just as a hobby, my question to you is what bike do you think is best to start off with to learn? I have a little bit of ride skills but not the best thanks
Travis pastranas parents names are Robert and Debbie pastrana
Travis Pastrana was born on October 8, 1983.
Travis Pastrana was born on October 8, 1983.
honda z 50 cc when he was 4 years old
pastrana has a 2007 Rm250 2-stroke to do the freestyling. when it comes to racing he has the new RM-Z 450 suzuki 4-stroke.
dirt bike
He uses a 2 stroke Suzuki. It's yellow and sometimes has white with pink.
Yes he is a dirt bike racer
rm 125
he uses a suzuki RM 199
Travis Pastrana
Hi Travis Pastrana my name is Jeremy I'm 27 from Australia, I have always wanted to ride dirt bikes like the supercross just as a hobby, my question to you is what bike do you think is best to start off with to learn? I have a little bit of ride skills but not the best thanks
No, Travis Pastrana is not engaged!!
Travis pastranas parents names are Robert and Debbie pastrana