Michael Waltrip is 6' 5" tall.
Michael Waltrip is 6' 5" tall.
Michael Waltrip was born on April 30, 1963
Michael Waltrip goes by Mikey.
Michael Waltrip was born on April 30, 1963.
Michael Waltrip was born on April 30, 1963.
Michael Waltrip was born on April 30, 1963
No. Michael and Darrell Waltrip both have the same parents.
Michael Waltrip Racing is owned by Michael Waltrip and Robert Kauffman.Kauffman is the founder and managing partner of Fortress Investment Group.
Michael Waltrip has two daughters, Caitlin and Margaret.
Michael Waltrip is best known for his professional racing career. Michael co-owns Michael Waltrip Racing and is also a published author and commentator for races.
Michael Waltrip is best known for his professional racing career. Michael co-owns Michael Waltrip Racing and is also a published author and commentator for races.