It ranges from more than a quarter million in the Daytona 500 to just around 30 or 40 grand in the smaller races.
Click on the link below to see the results and payouts for the 2010 Bank of America Nascar race.
Being on a NASCAR crew is not a club you have to pay dues for...they pay YOU to be on a NASCAR crew, because it's a (very hard) part-time job they train every day to do.
A Nascar drivers pay is determined by how they do in the race. The drivers divide the purse with first and second place drivers being paid the most.
Cumulatively some $20 million plus.
As much as someone is willing to pay!
When a fine is given out, it is directly to the driver or owner. And by NASCAR rules whoever the fine is to must pay the fine.
it depends on how much you pay the more you pay the longer it lasts
Not sure but they obviously did not make much last year they are closing down!
== == Usually paying the last month rent means you pay the regular rent plus a closing fee which means if there are any damages done to the place that was not there before you then you have to pay so much for that too. == == The usual practice is to pay the "first and last" month's rent when you move IN to the unit. This means that the owner is holding a amount that is equal to the last month's rent that you occupy the unit. This is so you can't skip owing rent.
The last pay raise for U.S. Senators was in January 2009, when their salary increased from $169,300 to $174,000 per year. There has not been a pay raise for Senators since then.
Most of the officials attend every race. Like any job from time to time someone will not be able to work a race. The tracks do not pay them, they are payed by NASCAR.