Remove the accessory drive belt. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Disconnect the generator electrical connector. Remove the engine harness terminal from the generator: - Slide the boot back along the cable. - Remove the engine harness cable nut (3). - Remove the engine harness terminal from the stud. Remove the generator bolts and generator. Install the generator. Install the generator bolts. Tighten the generator bolts to 50 N
they make electricity
take your screwdriver put it in the engine and remove.
you have to remove the flywheel, take engine cover off, remove flywheel, its under it, next to the points, you have to remove the flywheel, take engine cover off, remove flywheel, its under it, next to the points, you have to remove the flywheel, take engine cover off, remove flywheel, its under it, next to the points, you have to remove the flywheel, take engine cover off, remove flywheel, its under it, next to the points,
OK this is the most complicated thing i have ever seen so ya might wanna take it to a shop this is in my rendezvous repair book good luck Generator Replacement Removal Procedure: -Remove the battery ground (negative) cable from the battery. -Rotate and secure the engine forward to access rear generator bolts. -Remove the generator B+ terminal nut. -Remove the generator B+ lead. -Remove the generator electrical connector. -Remove the drive belt from the generator. -Remove the generator front bolt. -Remove the generator rear bolts. -Remove the generator from the generator bracket and position the generator above the drive axle. -Remove the drive belt tensioner. -Remove the generator bracket. -Remove the power steering pipes from the power steering pipe retainer. -Remove the fuel pressure test port (schrader valve) cap from the fuel injector rail. "Important" Do not disconnect the power steering pipes from the power steering pump. -Remove the power steering pump and reposition the power steering pump in front of the timing chain cover in order to provide access for the generator. -Remove electrical harness from retainer on right fender well and position aside. -Remove the generator from the vehicle. Installation Procedure -Install the generator to the vehicle and position the generator above the drive axle. -Install electrical harness to retainer on right fender well. -Install the power steering pump to the engine. -Install the fuel pressure test port (schrader valve) cap to the fuel injector rail. -Install the power steering pipes from the power steering pipe retainer. -Install the generator bracket. Refer to Generator Bracket Replacement . -Install the drive belt tensioner.. -Install the generator to the generator bracket and position the generator above the drive axle. -Install the drive belt tensioner. -Install the generator to the generator bracket. -Install the generator front bolt. *Notice* Use the correct fastener in the correct location. Replacement fasteners must be the correct part number for that application. Fasteners requiring replacement or fasteners requiring the use of thread locking compound or sealant are identified in the service procedure. Do not use paints, lubricants, or corrosion inhibitors on fasteners or fastener joint surfaces unless specified. These coatings affect fastener torque and joint clamping force and may damage the fastener. Use the correct tightening sequence and specifications when installing fasteners in order to avoid damage to parts and systems. -Install the generator rear bolts. Tighten Tighten the generator bolts to 50 N�m (37 lb ft). -Install the drive belt. -Install the generator electrical connector. -Install the generator B+ lead. -Install the generator B+ terminal nut. Tighten -Tighten the generator B+ terminal nut to 13 N�m (115 lb in). -Rotate the engine rearward and install the engine mount strut bracket bolts -Install the battery ground (negative) cable to the battery. BBAASPENCER here in TN. This is how to roll it forward for access.Roll the engine forward is to take off the engine dog bones, put gear in neutral, attach a pulling strap to the engine and hoist and roll it until you gain access.
take the front grill support off if the engine is in the car. then remove the plate covering the cam. then remove the cam?. it is alot easier with the engine on a stand.
disconest the battery,remove the bolt in the adjuster arm then take out the 2 bolts from the gen. to engine gen mounting bar
If the engine was running under full load (6000 watts) let the engine cool down for about five minuets with no load on it and then shut the engine off. An air cooled engine can be subject to thermal shock and bringing the temperature down slowly is the best way to prevent this from happening.
you have to remove the belt tensioner to remove the belt off of the engine.
This is for the v-8. The v-6 is simular, but w/o the mounting bracket. 1.disconnect the battery. 2.Take tension off the drive belt and take it off from the generator. 3.remove the upper bolts from the generator bracket and remove it. (when you replace tighten to 4.remove the positive cable nut and and cable. 5.remove the the lower generator bolts. (when you replace these bolts tighten to 18lb.ft) Reinstall the reverse way. I hope this helps you
Whether you have a generator or an alternator isn't critical here, although you probably have a generator. Anyway, how I get 'em out is to remove the hood, the carburetor and intake manifold, then remove the screws that hold the fan shroud in place. Remove the fan belt, generator strap and generator wiring. Finally, grasp the fan shroud and lift it completely out of the car. After that there are four bolts holding it to the fan shroud, and one holding the fan on. Finally, there are four bolts holding the backing plate to the generator.
The engine of what? The car? And usually, everything must be turned off before its safe to remove or install anything.