because they are lighter and give them more speed to the jumps
He rides a RM125 and RM250 for freestyle and races a RM-Z 450 on the track.
Big Air Freestyle happened in 2002.
Big Air Freestyle was created on 2002-09-24.
Motorcross is competed in, all around the world, at various motorcross tracks
Big Air Freestyle - 2002 VG was released on: USA: 24 September 2002
Well, you don't 'play' motorcross! You ride it, and you do this at any outdoor or indoor tracks.
Motorcross is popular EVERYWHERE but mostly i would say America and the UK
In the 1800s
Carey Hart is well known for freestyle motorcross and motorcycle racing. His dad gave him his first bike at the tender age of 4. He did his first back flip on a 250cc motorcycle. He rides custom made hondas.