If it is new because the bike has full compression if it is old its good because it still has good comperssion
Yamaha are the company the make the Yamaha YZF 250 model motorbike. This motorbike model can be found to buy second hand on eBay. The YZF 250 is distinctive in its appearance.
take off the seat
6 oz of oil per fork
1litre or 1.2 with new oil filter
very slow the rmz,yzf,kxf,sxfwill beat it easy
Yamaha yzf r125 mileage
The yzf is fuel injected no carburetors
manuale d'officina Yamaha yzf r1 1999 in italiano
The VIN location for Yamaha yz and yzf should be located on the right hand side steering tube/ frame. The 10th digit is the year code
It could be a number of things, start with new plugs, (with proper gap) next, "CLEAN" carburator, followed by fresh gas.
The Yamaha YZF R1 motorcycle is a sports bike class motorcycle. The Yamaha YZF R1, like other Yamaha sports bikes, are available from authorized Yamaha dealers.