I seriously doubt it. This is something you need to talk to your local Yamaha shop about rather than take someone's word on it here.
Obviously yz125 is more faster than yz85.
the cr could probably trail close behind it but only if you have done it up will it beat it
The 125 forks should fit the 250 as long as they are both the same frame style and close years.
2003 yz85 is a 2stroke motor cross bike with a 85cc motor or 85 cubic capacity engine you have to mix oil and fuel together
either get a yz85 or a yz125 the ttr125 is to small for u i have one i am 5ft 5in and it is way to small for me
The yz would always win because its a 2 stroke race bike. Even the yz85 would beat the crf150r or the crf150f.
Hyundai coup 1985 2 door piston rings how much
The stock compression ratio for a 2003 Yamaha YZ85 is approximately 8.6:1.
a kx85 is faster than the yz85 but the fastest is the cr85 but the rider is what makes it faster or slower
A stock Yz85 is capeble 0f 64 mph. With proper upgrades, 70 mph can be achieved.