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Pretty good in favor of crashing. You ride a dirt bike for the thrill which means you push your riding ability. Sooner or later it does catch up with you.

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Q: What are the chances of falling off of a dirt bike?
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What are the chances of a child falling off a bike and have a brain injury?

0.0062595463% Only about 1000 children out of 15,214,515,441,541 have a brain injury. If you biked every minute of your life the chances are still below 1%

Was the dirt bike bike based off of a street bike or vice versa?

vice versa

How do you turn off a dirt bike?

flip your killswitch

What is a dirt bike made for?

For riding off road not on the road

Is it required to take a class to ride a dirt bike?

no class for dirt bikes but they are not easy to ride.always put a helmit on/gloves boots.learn to fall first before you ride.most people fall off and try to break there falls with there legs and arms pointing towards ground.when falling off bike try to tuck arms in let your body roll on the ground to a stop.

What is a street legal dirt bike?

A street legal dirt bike is any dirt bike that has a four stroke motor, head lights, brake lights, turning signals, a spark arrestor in the silencer, and street legal on-off road tires.

Can you ride a dirt bike in Arizona on a sidewalk?

Not legally. Dirt bikes are made for off road use.

Does a dirt bike go faster if you take off the exhaust?


Is a dirt bike an ATV?

Yes, it is an All Terrain Vehicle. The name dirt bike implies that is off road use only .There for it is not ATV. An Enduro bike on the other hand means on or off road so it may be seen as a ATV. Hope this helps.

Is a dirt bike leagal in ny?

Dirt bikes are legal in all states as long as you ride them off road.

What is the legal age to drive a dirt bike?

I think it is 16 that is what i think GOOD LUCK MY BROTHERS PEACE YAMAHA WARRIORS ROCK MY SOCKS As I know it, You can be any age to ride a dirt bike * not street legal* ( and only in the "dirt" or pre-approved areas) You don't have to have a licence to ride a dirt bike. Hope this helps.

Do you need a bike license to ride a dirt bike off road on public trails in NH?

im pretty sure you do