I think it is 16 that is what i think GOOD LUCK MY BROTHERS PEACE YAMAHA WARRIORS ROCK MY SOCKS As I know it, You can be any age to ride a dirt bike * not street legal* ( and only in the "dirt" or pre-approved areas) You don't have to have a licence to ride a dirt bike. Hope this helps.
There are no age limits as long as you can control your dirt bike.
The legal age to ride a dirt bike in MN is 14 years old. However, at 14 years old a child must wear his or her helmet while riding a dirt bike.
i don't think you have to be an age to drive a dirt bike it's just with quad's you have to be.... if your on public land
heak yeah
It is NOT legal for anyone 14 years of age to operate ANY vehicle on the public roads of Florida
There really isn't a age limit.... But you SHOULD have a bike license to make it safer... And Only drive on legal places... :)
there are no age limits for dirt bike. but there are recomendations for size
you can ride a dirt bike at any age
There is no legal age. I started when i was 4, and is still riding around, so any age in British Columbia.
Well, in Iowa it is legal to drive a go-kart, a bike, a scooter, a skateboard, a longboard, rollerblades, and rollerskates
like a small one, for example a pw50, 4 is a good starting age.
what age do you have to be to drive a pit bike in the UK