believe it or not, the kx 60 is faster a cause of it having a motor too powerful for the small, light frame, so yes, the kx 60 is faster than the yz 85
The yz 125 is better because 2005 and up have An aluminum frame and over all better. The kx 125 is ok but they made an aluminum frame in 2007. I would always go with yamaha
yz 85 cus its 2 stroke but if u modify the 125 enough the 125 is faster ya dinconpoop the ttr 125 is faster
The kx 80 goes way faster it goes 65 If u have a pro circuit pipe it will go 70-75 The yz 80 goes 50-55 if u have a pro circuit pipe it will go 55-67
a ktm sx 125 is a great bike mine has never let me donw and they are reely fast bikes 1.KTM 125 The KTM and the YZ are the only two that make them right now.... 2.YZ 125 3.KX 125 4.RM 125 5.CR 125
yz 125 will kik both ov their arses
in my oppion for 85 i would choose the yz 85 it has a crazy powerband and is fastest in the higher rpms. for 125 i would have to say kx 125 in my oppion because it goes very fast into the powerband
the yz85 is faster because it has so much top end and no power valves and the kx does. in a race a yz would win but it is 10% bike / 90% rider
yz 125 use the same plastics from 1996 to 2001