I have a 2004 Yamaha yz 85 and can get it to go about 64mph and i weigh 135. What i like most is that it picks up quick in only 6 seconds its toping out so overall great bike
Oil capacity for the gearbox on 2002 Yamaha YZ85 is 500cc, after overhaul 550cc according to my book.
ktm is way better than Yamaha........ the ktm 85 sx is probably the best bike in the world
YZ85's are actually an exceptional bike.. but you have to stay on top of the maintenance.
It is a good bike and i love them they are worth around 1600 bucks
a stock can go about 60 to 65 and a one with racing parts on it about 65 70
Depends on the year but if they are both stock and the same age Yamaha's typicly go a little faster but if your racing rider skill is more important because they are basicly equal.
Any two stroke 85 is faster than a ttr 125 because it has more torwue and is made for racing. a ttr is a trail bike and not made for speed
No, you register a bike to tag it. Since motocross and off road bikes are not tagged, no need to register them.
I have a 2002 warrior with k&n air filter, power camander 3, and dg hard chrome shorties. The bike dynoed at 85 hp and 101.5 ft lbs of torque. Hope this helps, it is a torque monster.
so of them will