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u have to have a lisence

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Casey Corwin

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3y ago
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Q: How old do you have to be to legally drive a dirt bike on the road.?
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Can you drive a dirt bike on a dirt road in I reland?

yea if u have a liscense

Can you ride a dirt bike in Arizona on a sidewalk?

Not legally. Dirt bikes are made for off road use.

How old do you have to be to legally drive a dirt bike on the side of the road?

you don't have to be a certain age to legally ride a dirtbike on the side of the road,but you do need to be 16 years old to ride one on the road

Do you need a drvers license to drive a dirt bike legally in Ontario Canada?

NO you dont you only need a motorcycle license to drine a enduro bike on the road, but a regular dirtbike does not need a license

Do you need a license to drive a dirt bike?

no not unless you ride on the road

What is the legal age to drive a dirt bike?

I think it is 16 that is what i think GOOD LUCK MY BROTHERS PEACE YAMAHA WARRIORS ROCK MY SOCKS As I know it, You can be any age to ride a dirt bike * not street legal* ( and only in the "dirt" or pre-approved areas) You don't have to have a licence to ride a dirt bike. Hope this helps.

Can you drive a 125cc dirt bike on the road in Florida at 14 legally?

It is NOT legal for anyone 14 years of age to operate ANY vehicle on the public roads of Florida

Can you drive a dirt bike on a dirt road in South Carolina but.. under the age of 15?

heak yeah

Can you drive a dirt bike on a dirt rd in Ga if you are under 16?

no, b/c dirt bikes cant be on the road anyways

Are pit bikes street legal in America?

no a 49cc pitbike bike is not street legal you have to have a licence to drive a motorcycle onn the road. and if your driving a dirt bike on the road it has to be an on/off road

How old do you have to be to drive an enduro dirt bike on the road in NJ?

To ride a motorcycle legally in the state of New Jersey, a person must be at least 18 years old and licensed to operate a motorcycle. The motorcycle must also be street or road legal.

Do dirt bikes have Tobe registered in Connecticut?

Any motor vehicle operated on public roads in Connecticut must be registered. But if you never drive the dirt bike on a public road (except crossing the road at a right angle when a bike path crosses the road), then it need not be registered.