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The gymnast have more muscles but the foot ball player has bigger muscles.

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Q: Who has more muscles a football player or a gymnast?
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What muscles are used when snapping a football?

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Why is a gymnast more muscular than a runner?

Because they use far more muscles than a runner does. Gymnastics takes most major muscle groups, will running uses the lower groups, mostly legs and abs.

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Football players, because people are willing to spend more watching them than they are willing to spend watching judges.

What are the typical work hours for a football player?

The typical work hours for a football player during football season is about 4 hours. When it is game day, the hours will be more.

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It depends a football player makes there money every year it depends how much they earn per year

Why does a girl want to see a guys muscles?

cause the stronger the guy is she wants him to be strong enough to be on he football team and the girls dating a guy on the football team will be more popular