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evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon. The physician will perform a physical examination, ask how the injury occurred, and what symptoms the patient has experienced. X rays and other imaging studies of bones and soft tissues may be ordered.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Grade I sprains and mild strains are usually self-diagnosed. Grade II and III sprains are often seen by a physician, who x rays the area to differentiate between a sprain and a fracture.

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13y ago

diagnosis of knee injuries or damage includes a medical history, physical examination , x rays, and the additional, more detailed imaging techniques with MRI or CT scan.

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What are knee injuries?

The five most common knee problems are arthritis, tendonitis, bruises, cartilage tears, and damaged ligaments. Knee injuries can be caused by accidents, impact, sudden or awkward movements, and gradual wear and tear of the knee joint.

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they can be more prone to knee related injuries, such as ACL tears due to high intensity straight knee landing or impact since the knee is already in a weak position

What wear and tear injuries are treated by knee arthroscopic surgery?

acute injuries that destabilize the knee, and pain management for floating or displaced cartilage and rough bone.

Can quadriceps cause knee problems?

If these muscles are weak or injured, there can be more risk of knee injuries.

What cancer does Wayman Tisdale have?

He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, cancer of the knee,

What ended Joe Namath's career?

Knee injuries.