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Q: What is the salary of an NHL trainer?
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The salary of a barrel racing horse trainer varies depending on how good you are.

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What is the average salary given to a trainer?

The average trainer salary is roughly 44,000 American Dollars (28,858 British Pounds) and was found on the Indeed website. The peak of salary was the Disney English Foreign Trainer with a salary of 138,000 American Dollars (90,510 British Pounds) and the lowest was the Celadon Driver Trainer with a salary of 10,000 American Dollars (6,559 British Pounds).

What is the average salary of an NHL football player?

There is no such thing as an NHL football player. The NHL is a HOCKEY league.

Do they get their full salary if injured in the NHL?

they do if they have a contract

What is the salary list from when they started making money to now in the NHL?

I don't know if it is possible to find salary lists since the NHL started way back in 1917. However, for modern salary lists I suggest you check a good hockey website like that of the Hockey News, the NHL , or that of the NHL Players Association.

Is coaches salary part of NHL Team cap?


What is the minimum salary for an nhl hockey player?


What is Andrew peters NHL salary?

It is 0.500 Million Dollars.

What is the salary of NHL coach Claude Noel?

2.85 million

What was the average NHL player salary in 2007?

The average Salary in the 2007-2008 season was about $1.9 million.

If a NHL player clears waivers does his salary go against the cap if shipped to the minors?

No. An NHL player's salary only counts against the cap if he is currently on the major league's roster.