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No, posting or rising trot is a way to ride the trot and you can post any type of trot. Extended trot is where the horse lengthens it's trot stride to cover more ground. Typically this causes the trot to smooth out a bit making it easier to sit the trot.

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Q: Does extended trot mean posting trot?
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How many beats are in a horses extended trot?

The trot, whether it be extended, sitting, or posting is still a 2-beat gate.

What is another name for the rising trot?

Posting trot.

What is another name for rising trot?

Posting trot.

Which gait is not performed in dressage?

The posting trot

What is the difference between collected and extended trot?

When horses do extended trot they extend their front legs extend further and the back legs come under them more. A collected trot isn't quite as big and/or fast.

How can you keep your legs still when rising to the trot?

You can keep your legs still at a posting or rising trot by squeezing with your knee calves. If you squeeze with just your knee calves, from there down to the stirrups it should be still. Unless you have a horse like me where you have to bump him in a rhythmic motion to keep him at an extended trot. So the answer is to squeeze more with you knee calves instead of using your feet to post.

What is a working trot?

a working trot is a trot between a collected trot and the extended trot. It should be energetic and have good forward motion, not 'pokey', but should not be 'fast'. Just a good active pace relative to your horses motion.

Should you post when you lope?

No you shouldn't, posting(or rising) is only used in the trot or jog :)

How can you do a sit-trot on a horse?

A sitting trot in English riding or hunt seat is simply a slower trot in which the rider does not post. The rider takes a deep seat and absorbs the horses movement without posting in the saddle.

What is rising out of the saddle at a trot called?

This is called posting. When you are trotting your horse in a circle and posting to the trot you should be rising out of the saddle when your horses "inside" (meaning the foot that is inside the circle) front foot is behind and sitting when the foot is ahead. This is called the correct diagonal.

What are the controls for the dressage event in saddle up with pippa funnell?

Extended Walk=E Extended trot=E Extended Canter=E Collected Walk=C Collected Trot=C Collected Canter=Gallop then hit C Right Shoulder In=R Left Shoulder In=L

How do you sit the trot of a friesian in a western saddle without posting?

sit deep in the saddle and keep your heels down