The trot, whether it be extended, sitting, or posting is still a 2-beat gate.
A horses jog, or trot, is a 2 beat gait.
yes, they do court it's when they trot but faster and 3 beats, a Gallop is 4 beats, Canter is 2 beats(ect.)
When horses do extended trot they extend their front legs extend further and the back legs come under them more. A collected trot isn't quite as big and/or fast.
a working trot is a trot between a collected trot and the extended trot. It should be energetic and have good forward motion, not 'pokey', but should not be 'fast'. Just a good active pace relative to your horses motion.
There are 4 beats in a walk, 2 beats in a trot, 3 beats in a canter, 4 beats in a gallop or run, 4 beats in a running walk, 2 beats in a pace, and 4 beats in a rack. I hope this helped, I searched forever for this!
i dont really get your question but a horse has 4 gaits, walk, trot, canter and gallop, walk has 4 beats trot has 2 beats canter has 3 beats gallop has 4 beats, check out this website, it may help hope this helps x
There are a few different gaits horses have, and they are separated by speed and rhythm/steps. So there's: Walk - four beats, slowest gait Trot/Jog - two beat, slightly faster. Sometimes this can be an extended trot, like in dressage, where the horse takes longer steps. Canter/Lope - three beats. This tends to be the main gait, at least in English/Western horse shows. Gallop - four beats and the fastest gait. Hope that helps!
Four main gaits:Walk,trot,canter and gallop. But there are other gaits for certain breeds such as the Icelandic. There are also dressage gaits such as extended or collected trot etc. :D Answer four main gaits
No, posting or rising trot is a way to ride the trot and you can post any type of trot. Extended trot is where the horse lengthens it's trot stride to cover more ground. Typically this causes the trot to smooth out a bit making it easier to sit the trot.
wak is likea person has four beats,trot is lke a Jo for people,it has two beats,canter has three beats and horses extend their inside leg to be more balenced...this is called a lead,a gallop is a four beat FAST gait...racehorses gallop the WHOLE track
For example a Lope or a canter which has a 3 beat gait. A gallop is 4 beats gait. A trot is a 2 beat gait as you can see the diffrance there are also gaited horses that have diffrent gaits like a single footed gait.
horses can canter, trot, and walk.