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Butterfly, backstroke, breastroke, freestyle is the order for swimming an individal medley. However, when swimming the medley relay, the order is: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle.

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The first stroke in swimming medley is usually butterfly.

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What comes first in a swimming medley?

Butterfly (the stroke with the double-arms-forward motion paired with a dolphin kick on your front) is the first stroke swum in a swimming medley called "Individual Medley." In a swimming medley relay, however, backstroke is performed first as it is the only stroke that requires a start in water, while all other strokes start off with a dive.

Which is the missing stroke in swimming medley - freestyle breaststroke backstroke ...?

The Invidivual Medley (IM) goes: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle In a relay, the medley goes: Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, Freestyle

What is 600medley mean in swimming?

Individual Medley (abbreviated to Medley or IM) is when a swimmmer swims butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle (in that order) in the same race. So 100m medley in a 25m pool would be one length on each stroke. Official medley events incllude 100m (25m on each storke) 200m (50m on each stroke) , and 400m (100m on each stroke)individual medley (200m and 400m olympic events). 600 medley is not an event that officially exists but it would comprise of: 150m butterfly, 150m backstroke, 150m breaststroke and 150m freestly (in that order) continuosly.

The individual medley is a race in?


What is a medley race?

# a relay race in which each contestant must cover a different distance # a swimming race in which a different stroke must be used for each length of the pool

What stroke does Stephanie rice do?

Medley, Freestyle and Butterfly.

How would you describe the 400m individual medley?

First you dive in the pool and swim a 100 meter butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. (if u r swimming long course u would swim each stroke there and back, but if it is a short course u would swim each stroke 4 times.

What swimming event can swimmers change strokes?

You change strokes in the IM, Individual Medley, but it's in a certain order. First you do Butterfly, Then Backstroke, then Breaststroke, and then freestyle. In the IM you have to do the crawl for freestyle but in a freestyle event you can do a different stroke for the whole event, but it's not advised unless you're much faster in another stroke then the crawl.

In swimming what does the IM in 400m IM stand for?

It stands for individual medley because it has all four strokes. There for its a medley

What sport would you find a medley?

Swimming A "medley" is an event in competitive swimming in which backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle are swum in equal distances by an individual or as divisions of a relay race.

Which stroke swum in the medley is usually the slowest?

slowest strokes in order slowest first) are breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly then freestyle

What year and where was the first women's medley swimming race held?

Women were allowed to complete in Olympic swimming starting in 1912. That year, the Australian swimmer Fanny Durack, became the first female to win olympic gold in 100-yard freestyle swimming.