'Soccer' is the more popular name for 'Association Football'. The rules or 'Laws of the game' for soccer were wrote by a man called Ebenezer Cobb Morley at his home 26 The Terrace, Barnes, London in 1863. These rules were based on Cambridge Rules football drafted in 1848 by teachers from seven English public schools. The schools represented include , Eton, Harrow, Shrewsbury, Marlborough Westminster and Rugby. The rules they produced became known as the 'Cambridge Rules'. In 1863 the 1856 version of theses rules were published in a London news paper where they were read by Morley. His version of these rules were presented to the members of the fledgling Football Association at a meeting held at a public house called the Freemasons Tavern in London on 26th October 1863 where they were adopted by the FA. On 19th December 1863 The Barnes Football club, founded by Morley in 1862, played Richmond football club at Mortlake, Barnes, London in the first ever game of soccer. The result was 0-0. From these humble beginnings soccer spread to the rest of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and eventually around the world. In 2009 a blue plaque commemorating Morley's contribution to the sport he wrote the rules for was placed on the wall of his former home by English Heritage
There wasn't a Soccer World Cup in the year 1960.
Robin van persie was the world soccer player for Aresnal
fOOTBALL Soccer FOOTBALL soccer Football soccer all around the world
it dosnt get any popular except when theres a world wide match or something,, then it'll be opular. but soccer wont get popular each year. it just is soccer.
how am i supposed to know??
West Germany
There was no world cup in the year 19970.