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Soccer is a sport that uses a single ball. there are 11 players per team on the fieald at one time, and the point is to kick the ball into the opposing teams net. Soccer AM however is a UK based talk show that has comedy surrounding soccer.

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Is soccer a national sport?

Yes, soccer is a national sport. In fact, it is the most widely popular sport in the world, and almost every country has a league of some sort and participates in the World Cup, the biggest sporting event in the world (The Olympics may be too).

What are some sport in japan?

Basketball and or Soccer

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one popular sport in Mexico is soccer.

What is the most widely played sport in the world?

soccer because it is the worlds sport and razzia is awsome

What sport in Australia is similar to soccer?

Australia has soccer as a sport. There is no other sport similar to soccer. The various codes of football played in Australia are nothing like soccer.

What do you think about soccer?

The answer to this question is an opinion. The answer differs from person to person. I, personally, think soccer is a fun sport. Here are some other opinions: Soccer rocks and is the best ball sport in winter, well i think it is Soccer is so completely awesomely awesome and is the best sport ever no sport will ever be better then soccer!! GO SOCCER!!!!!!!!!!! Well i think soccer sucks. It is boring and just has no point. Kicking a ball around? wtf?

Which sport is the richest?

well, in my opinion soccer is the richest sport in the world because it is a very big sport and every country in the are playing soccer..... some people think that golf is the richest sport but i would it isn't because it is a very expesive sport..........

What is the popular sport in Myanmar?

The most popular sport in Myanmar is "football (soccer)".

What are some adjectives that describe football that begin with the letter O?

Soccer can be obsessive. Soccer results are official. Soccer is Olympian. Soccer is an outdoor sport.

What kind of sport is soccer.?

A non-contact sport these days

Angola's national sport?

some of them are:basketballsoccerfootballbaseballhockeytennisswimmingrunning