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Q: How many people die playing sport in the UK each year?
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How many children get injured from sport?

It depends on what sport you are playing.

How many people get fit by playing sport?

If they play sports all the time, almost anyone can get fit playing sports. So..... Lots do.

How many people die each year from playing squash?

There are no specific statistics on the number of people who die each year from playing squash. While injuries can occur in any sport, the overall risk of a fatal incident from playing squash is generally low. It is important for players to follow safety guidelines and use proper equipment to reduce the risk of injuries.

How many players are there?

It really depends on which sport or video game Your playing. If your on a 3dsXL, and you play mario kart 7, You can have 7 or 8 people playing. if your playing soccer, each team needs to have an equal amount of members. if you have 10 people that want to play soccer, devide them into 2 equal groups.

What are the enjoyment benefits of the sport lacrosse?

Lacrosse is a wonderful game enjoyed by many Americans each and every day. Many people enjoy playing lacrosse. When a poll was taken of 38,000 American households, 99.8% said they enjoyed playing lacrosse. If you ask me, lacrosse is very enjoyable. Enjoy!

How many basketball players can be on the basketball court playing?

there can be 10 total people on the court playing. five people for each team.

How many people want cheerleading to be a sport?

it is a sport

Do Nigerians play basketball?

yes, not many but nigerians don't have loyalty to that sport. football or soccer is the sport they have loyalty to, and is the sport they consiter important. So if you go to nigeria, that's the sport you'll see people playing outside almost in every area, not basketball.

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how many people play lacrosse in the united states

Is Soccer a national or international sport?

It is the national sport of many countries, and because there are teams from many countries that play each other at many levels, it is an international sport.

How many people think dance is a sport?

alot of people think dance is a sport but why would it not be a sport people alomost everydaay have a dance compotetion