The Romanov family ruled Russia for 300 years before Tsar Nicholas II abdicated in 1917. However, the communist revolution did not end this dynasty. Nicholas II abdicated the throne in March 1917 as a result of the February Revolution. The Communist or Bolshevik Revolution did not take place until the following October eight months after the dynasty had ended.
A Communist apparatus ruling a country.
These parties did not support the Soviet Union and denounced its policies.
One example of a revolution was when the communists defeated the Czar of Russia and his supporters, and they became the rulers of Russia as a Communist State. The French Revolution disposed of the French Monarchy, and became a Republic! Therefore, a revolution could be said to be an overthrow of the ruling class by the masses.
"Down with Aristocrats. To the lamppost." Associated with the French Revolution and the overthrowing of the ruling classes (the Aristocrats) by the working classes. To the lamppost meant "String him up" or "hang him"
A communist party is currently ruling China :)
His father was a lawyer and was imprisoned during the French Revolution. During the Revolution many people were imprisoned who were thought to be in the ruling classes and supporters of the king, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
Guomindang party
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
The Politburo
In 2008 Communist Party led Left Democratic Front [LDF] was the ruling party in Kerala.