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Leon Trotsy, born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, 1879-1940. Russian revolutionary.

He joined the bol'sheviks in 1917 and worked with Lenin to organise the October Revolution. He was active also in building the Red Army that eventually defeated the White Russian forces in the Russian Civil War.

He quarrelled with Stalin after Lenin's death and was defeated in a power struggle, being expelled from the Communist Party in 1927 and exiled in 1929.

He settled in Mexico in 1937 where he was murdered by a Stalinist agent.

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Q: Who is the famous Russian that was exiled from Russia by Lenin and fled Mexico where he had a brief affair with Frida Kahlo?
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Which Russian was exiled from Russia to Lenin and had a brief affair in Mexico with Frida Kahlo?

Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) qualifies as such.

In which country was exiled Russian leader leon trotsky killed in 1940?


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Leon Trotsky was exiled by Stalin, who later had a Soviet agent murder him in Mexico City, Mexico in 1940.

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After he was exiled, Leon Trotsky never returned to power. He was murdered while in Mexico.

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Vladmir lenin went to Finland after being exiled in Russia

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