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Leon Trotsky was exiled by Stalin, who later had a Soviet agent murder him in Mexico City, Mexico in 1940.

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Q: What leader of the red army and Bolshevik revolution was exiled and killed by Stalin?
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How did Joseph Stalin eliminate any threats to his power?

Stalin killed, imprisoned, or exiled anyone who even thought of replacing him or who stood in his way.

How did Stalins economic changes result in suffering?

Stalin tried to make the economy fully industrial as a result there were shortages of food, housing and clothing. He also began a farming revolution by making "Collective Farms" but wealthy peasants resisted it and millions were killed and exiled for it.

What did Stalin do to Trotsky?

Stalin had Trotsky expelled from the Communist Party and exiled from the Soviet Union. He then ordered the assassination of Trotsky, who was killed in Mexico in 1940 by a Soviet agent.

How many Czarist bureaucrats were still working in the USSR 14 years after the Bolshevik Revolution?

There was a serious inability for Lenin and Stalin to find qualified people to work in the Soviet bureaucracy as late as 1932. In a secret but later published document, it was estimated that 50% of the Soviet bureaucracy were former officials from the Czarist regime.

What happen to the Russian czar at the end of world war 1?

He was killed by the Bolsheviks during the Bolshevik revolution. His Family was also killed. Also they are the Tsar s not czar.

What happended to the royal family of russia?

Most of the family was killed during the Russian Revolution including the last Tsar and his immediate family. The surviving family were exiled from Russia after the Revolution

How old was Cleopatra when her brother tried to kill her for the throne?

Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.Cleopatra as 22 years old when her brother exiled her and would have had her killed if she were caught.

What leader was killed as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution?

Czar Nicholas the Second was killed as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution. The Czar had abdicated his throne as a result of the February Revolution in 1917; however he and his family were kept alive for over a year. The intent of the Provisional Government was to send him to England. After the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917, the Czar came under the control of the Bolsheviks. Since the Bolsheviks were not universally accepted as the new power in Russia, the Russian Civil War broke out. In July 1918, the Bolsheviks realized that the Czar and his family had to be killed in order to stamp out any hope by the other side in the Civil War of restoring the Czar to the throne and reversing the gains from the two revolutions.

How did Stalin get rid of his political enemies?

Initially, Joseph Stalin banned the Leon Trotsky from the Communist Party in 1927. Afterward, Trotsky was deported from the Soviet Union two years later and was exiled to the island of Büyükada which is off the coast of Indonesia.

What leader did Leon trotsky use his pen to oppose?

In the 1920's, Leon Trotsky opposed the bureaucracy and policies of Josef Stalin. As a result, he was removed from power in 192,7 and deported from the Soviet Union in 1929. He found asylum in Mexico and continued his opposition to the Stalinist government. He and most of his family were killed on Stalin's orders.

How was Stalin able to gain power over troskrov?

He killed him. They were friends, but he had him killed. Stalin murdered millions.

Why was Cleopatra VII exiled?

Cleopatra was exiled in the power struggle with her brother. She was forced to flee Alexandria or else be killed.