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The peasants lived a poor and tough life. Many of them were freed slaves, but their lives didn't improve much since slavery.

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Q: What was life like for the peasants in russia under lenin rule?
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In what ways did Lenin and Stalin govern the union of soviet socialist republics consider what actions the two men took and what life under their dictatorship was like?

Lenin established a mixture of capitalism and free enterprise, allows some small factories and business to be privately owned; Stalin developed command economy that controlled every aspect of economic life and banned private ownership of farms, factories, and businesses. Lenin's government that took the land back and kept it under state control. Both governments were dictatorships Lenin interfered much less in the daily lives of the citizens. Life under Lenin involved less terror and oppression than life under more plentiful this progress came at a huge cost to the peasants forced to work on collective farms and to the Kulaks who were murdered or shipped to Siberia.

What was life like in Russia under Tsar Nicholas II?

The people of Russia (apart from land owners and people close to the Tsar) suffered from famine during Tsar Nicholas II rule, as well as working with scarce amount of land. Due to Russia being involved in WWI, peasants and workers suffered as the economy was sinking. Many people died. This caused a huge rebellion in Russia starting the Russian revolutions.

Who gained more power in Russia after Lenin died?

Joseph Stalin gained more power than any other person after Lenin died. In the last year of Lenin's life, Stalin led Russia along with Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev. Then Stalin gradually ousted Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Bukharin, Zinoviev and Kamenev from consideration as Lenin's sole successor. In 1929, Stalin became the sole power in the Soviet Union.

Where the clergy lord and peasants all valued as equals under god?

god can save your life

What was life like after the Russian Revolution?

Life in Russia after the revolution can not have been easy for the population. World War I was still raging. There was a demoralized army and many desertions. Food was in short supply due to a labor shortage and there were many strikes. Politically, it was easy for the people to buy into Lenin's promises of peace and bread.

Who was the first communist dictator of the new Soviet Union?

Before communists took over in Russia, Russia had many world-famous writers and musicians. The control of Communists over all areas of life, including art and philosophy, led many talented Russians to flee their homeland for freedom in the west. Some were forced into exile for their stand against the evils of communism. After the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the secret police of the Cheka and the KGB brought the people under the rule of COMMUNIST DICTATOR NIKOLAI LENIN with the threat of arrest, imprisonment, torture, exile to slave labor camps, or even death.

What was the essence of life for peasants in 1788?

In 1788 there were no peasants since it is 200 years after the middle ages. __ There were peasants in Europe after the Middle Ages. LOTS of peasants. Russia had a large peasant population up to the Revolution. As did virtually every country in Europe. China also had a large peasant population. The Middle Ages had NOTHING to do with the end of peasant life. Peasant life would have been hard. Difficult work, no education and little opportunity to leave the land. It would not have been very different than the life of a peasant during the Medieval period.

Why did Vladimir Lenin want a revolution?

The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 was initiated by millions of people who would change the history of the world as we know it. When Czar Nicholas II dragged 11 million peasants into World War I, the Russian people became discouraged with their injuries and the loss of life they sustained. The country of Russia was in ruins, ripe for revolution.

How premchand depicts the life of peasants in the novel godan?

He showed that all peasants are foolish so they are brutally suffered.

Was Lenin a liberator or oppressor in the Russian Revolution?

An oppressor, absolutely and flatly. The difficulties of life and the limits of political expression under the Tsarist regime were as nothing to the horrors of communism. Consider the fact that Adolph Hitler was a great admirer of the way Lenin got things done and modeled much of the Third Reich's terror apparatus after what Lenin and Stalin had created in Russia. A liberator, undoubtedly. He freed the people of Russia from a cruel and unpopular regime and replaced it with a state on its way to the freest society ever conceived by man, communism. A liberator because when he came to power he took Russia out of WW1 and spread the wealth of the kingdom and other rich people Although the majority of Russians was still starving this new country gave people hope and sometimes that is all you need

What was the peasants life was in the middle ages?

life was really good

What was life like for the peasants in the 1500s?

Life was difficult for the peasants in the 1500s. Infant mortality was very high and life expectancy was not very high either.