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Joseph Stalin gained more power than any other person after Lenin died. In the last year of Lenin's life, Stalin led Russia along with Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev. Then Stalin gradually ousted Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Bukharin, Zinoviev and Kamenev from consideration as Lenin's sole successor. In 1929, Stalin became the sole power in the Soviet Union.

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Q: Who gained more power in Russia after Lenin died?
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What was Stalin relationship with Trotsky?

Lenin was a great political leader working for the greater good of the workers of Russia, and Stalin was an autocratic dictator who exploited Russia's workers for his own good. The relationship between them was that Stalin worked under Lenin, and when Lenin died, and Stalin seized power over Russia, even though Lenin had specifically stated that Trotsky should succeed him, Stalin tried to associate himself with the well loved Lenin in order to create an image of himself that differed from his true anti-Marxist intentions.

What was the group that overthrew Vladimir Lenin?

No group or person overthrew Lenin. Lenin died of natural causes in 1924 while still in power.

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I am sure Hitler was aware of Lenin by reputution but Lenin having died [1924]before Hilter had gained power but Lenin probably either had no idea who Hitler was or may have heard the name in passing[although unlikely] the chance that they ever met is almost zero Hitler was never known to be in the USSR and Lenin in germany so the answer is althouh it can not be stated that they never could of met it is highly unlikely

Who led Russia after World War I?

Vladimir Lenin led Russia after World War 1. In 1922 he was partially disabled by a stroke and couldn't participate in running the government. After that Russia was run by Joseph Stalin, Grigori Zinoviev and lev Kamenev until Lenin died on January 21, 1924.

What government is Lenin in?

If you're referring to Vladimir Lenin he was a part of the Bolshevik party which was the first communist party to rule a nation. That government was in Russia and later the Soviet Union. He died in 1924.

Did Stalin or Lenin have more control?

At first, lenin... then lenin died and Stalin screwed with the succession and seized power.

Did Lenin plan to remove Karl Marx from power?

No, because Karl Marx was never in power in any country of government and because Marx had already died by the time Lenin was gathering his revolutionary ideology and power.

How Stalin gained control of the communist party after Lenin died?

He isolated the others such as Leon Trotsky so he could gang up on them and have them removed.

Lenin's Russia 1920-1924 and Stalin's Russia 1924-1953?

They are same, both of them were tyrants or despots, officialy more people died during Stalin's time especially in 1937-1938 year, but Lenin just seemed better but he was a wolf in sheep's clothes.

Who ruled instead of the czar?

After the 1917 revolution it was the communist party known as the Bolsheviks. The leader of this party was Lenin. He lead until 1924 when he grew ill from a stroke he had had in previous years. He died in April 1924. He possible sucessors were Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. Stalin eventually gained power and ruled from 1924 until 1957 when he died as a stroke. After Stalin there were many Soviet leaders until the downfall of communist Russia in 1990.

How did Joseph Stalin gain power in communist Russia?

== == He used purges and violence to make people fear him (and therefore support him) by having anyone who threatened his leadership killed. He also used things like the secret police and propaganda.

When did Leon Trotsky rise to power?

Trotsky never did reign over Russia. Lenin did at first after the Revolution. Then Lenin became ill and Joseph Stalin, Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev ruled together. After Lenin died, Trotsky was supposed to take over according to papers left behind by Lenin, but Stalin prevented that and forced Trotsky first out of the Communist Party then out of the country.