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I wouldn’t call it an ideology, but Socialism (classless stateless society based on production for use) is the opposite of the state capitalist dictatorship that Stalin presided over.
Stalin's goal was to bring Russia up to par with the standards of the western world. In lieu of this ideology, Stalin actively took over the economy. Mercantilism is least like the system established by Joseph Stalin
Lenin was positive that because Russia was a backward country and lacked technology, the Leninist revolution required the support and acheive power in at least one other advanced nation in order to succeed.
I would have opposed it, at least passively, and actively if I were able, as much as possible. I oppose any ideology which tries to dictate the way I think.
Lenin claimed to follow Marx’s ideas, but in fact he distorted these. Lenin did not believe that workers could liberate themselves, so he though they needed to be led by a vanguard (himself and others). What he set up in Russia was state capitalism, not Communism.
Joseph Stalin along with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev tried to take power from Lenin when Lenin was disabled by strokes. These three ran the government in Lenin's absence as he recovered and continued to do so secretly even when Lenin returned to work. The three would make governmental decisions in secret meetings after the general meetings that Lenin attended. Stalin restricted access to Lenin when Lenin was recovering. Stalin's biggest move for power was after Lenin made him Secretary General of the Communist Party. Once in that post, Stalin placed people loyal to him in many governmental offices. Stalin never did unseat Lenin, but he certainly tried and succeeded to take at least some of Lenin's powers away.
Vladimir I. Lenin was the leader and hero at least from the Bolshevik perspective.