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Q: How many books did Vladimir Lenin write?
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What were Vladimir Lenin's achievement?

he was the leader of many things including the failed assassination of some person

How many books are in the series of The Chronicles Of Vladimir Tod?

There are five books that compose The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Series.

Who was the leader of Russia in 1919?

If one goes by the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks were leading Russia in March 1917. If one goes by the Gregorian calendar then in use by the western world, the Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky was leading Russia in the beginning of March 1917 then Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks did.

How many years did Vladimir Lenin steyed in power?

He controlled Russia for seven years. (1917-1924)

How many siblings did Vladimir Lenin have?

He was the third of 6 children.He had 5 brothers and sisters.

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Was Lenin the leader of Russian Revolution?

Lenin was the leader of the October Revolution of 1917 (also called the Bolshevik Revolution). As to the February Revolution of 1917, Lenin was living in Switzerland at the time and it was over before he even heard about it.

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Who was a historical figure in 1870-1900s?

Queen Victoria, Vladimir Lenin Russian revolutionary, leader of the Soviet Union, Alexander II of Russia. there are many more

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