No, he was against the idea of capitalism and in favor of socialism. Ironically, when the Russian economy failed after the Russian Civil War, Lenin turned to aspects of capitalism in his New Economic Policy in order to improve the economy. Most other Bolsheviks were dead set against the NEP.
He claimed to be, but in fact he became the leader of a capitalist system in Russia.
state capitalism
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist, he did not believe in God.
Mushroom, I believe.
No, Vladimir Lenin is not single.
Vladimir Lenin lived in Russia.
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was the real name of the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. He adopted Lenin as his last name. Lenin was not a nickname. He was also referred to as Nikolai Lenin by close associates.
Before Lenin put forth his views on imperialism, he sought to clarify his own version of Marx's views on capitalism. For Lenin, capitalism is commodity production on its highest level of its development. This is when labor power itself becomes a commodity. The workers' consciousness is the self-consciousness of objectified man, of man as a commodity.Lenin believed he was moderating and improving upon Marx's definition of what capitalism really amounts to.