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The holes of a Golf course are ranked in order of their difficulty, 1-18. In the UK and Europe this system is called the stroke index and in the States I believe they are called the handicap holes. Your opponent must give you a shot on the holes ranked 1-15, so you don't receive a shot on the holes ranked 16-18.

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Q: Your match play opponent has to give you 15 golf shots which are the holes where you don't receive the golf shots?
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How many strokes do you get if you have a 28 course handicap and your friend has a 15?

In a match, you would receive 13 shots on the holes with a stroke index of 1 -13, unless stated by the competition organisers that you give 3/4 difference or something other than full handicap allowance.

What holes do you have shots on with handicap of 23?

A shot a hole on holes 1-18 on the stroke index or handicap holes, and then a further shot on 1-5 on the stroke index or handicap holes.

What is the fewest number of unforced errors in a tennis match?

Unforced error in a tennis match is that type of mistake that are not due to the good shots of your opponent. The fewest number of unforced errors in a tennis match is the less number of chances you give your opponent to make a point in your court because of your carelessness.

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The Dewar Match is for .22 prone match rifles and consists of 20 shots at 50 yards and 20 shots at 100 yards for a total possible score of 400. The modified Dewar Match substitutes 50 metres for 50 yards.

Do puppies receive their shots at four months old or at eight months?

If you bring the puppies in to your vet office, they will tell you when shots are needed.

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The commentators on TV after half time, that talk about the shots and passes of the match.

When playing a game of tennis what is the proper way to deal with a person who is not calling the shots fairly?

If it's an actual ref there's nothing you can do really unless you can get your opponent to agree to a rematch. If your opponent is the one calling your outs (a self reffed game) then hit shots that are obviously in but place them in hard to reach areas, such as corners and the like.

Why is Strategy very important in the game Badminton?

Badminton players are recommended to use tactics in a match because opponents can recognise patterns in play. If you repeat a certain shot or sequence of shots, your opponent may come to recognise this and expect it to happen. If you then suddenly change, your opponent will be caught off guard. Example 1: If you continue using backhand clears, then the opponent will be expecting a backhand clear. If you suddenly change your shot, for example, a drop shot to the opposite corner will catch them off guard. *Experienced players will be aware that you can be using this tactic. Example 2: If your sequence is using two clear shots and then a subtle drop shot to the diagonally opposite corner of the court, and you repeat this sequence, your opponent will begin to expect these tricks. There are more tactics in badminton which are harder to understand and require experience and practise.

Does your handicap relate exactly to the number of shots you receive?

Yes, your handicap directly relates to how many shots you get. In strokeplay, a handicap of 10 would give you 10 shots. In matchplay you would get the difference between your handicap and your opponents, or have to give them shots. Some competitions stipulate that 3/4 of the difference be given.

Where can one go to register for booster shots?

One doesn't need to register to receive booster shots. All one needs to do is visit a local doctors office or health department. Many times fire stations offer free booster shots.

What are the rules for match play in golf regarding practice?

In Matchplay you are allowed to practice after a completed hole, only your short game, this includes pitching and putting, but bunker shots or shots from hazards are not allowed. You can practice like this as long as it does not cause an undue delay to play. You are not allowed to practice fuller swing shots. Matchplay differs from strokeplay in one unique way. Before a matchplay round you are allowed to practice on the course, in strokeplay this is not allowed. So, before a matchplay you can play a couple of holes, or pitch and putt to any green, if you did so in strokeplay you would be disqualified.

How do you play tennis?

Basically, tennis is a game with two or four players divided equally on two halves of a court having a net stretched across its width. The players decide who is to "serve" first. The server will serve on his/her half of the tennis court to the opponent(s) until the game is won by at least 2 points (points are "love" (zero), 15, 30, 40). If a game is tied at 40-40, it is called, "deuce"; the server continues until one side has won by two points (the player winning the next point from deuce is said to have the "advantage"; "ad(vantage) in" if it is the server or "ad(vantage) out" if it is the opponent; if the other player/team wins the point, then the score reverts to "deuce"). When the game is completed, the opponent becomes the server; this cycle repeats until a "set" is won, which is at least 6 games won by at least 2 games. If a 3-set match is being played, then the person/team winning 2-out-of-3 sets is the winner; if a 5-set match is being played, then the person/team winning 3-out-of-5 sets is the winner.There are variations in the way the game is played, both among amateurs and professionals, and there are special rules concerning where the ball is allowed to land, changing ends during a match, changing the balls during a match, "tiebreaker" scoring, et al. Such details are too long and involved to be printed, here; instead, view the links, below, for further information.== == == == Improving your gameYou hit awesome shots during practice, but mess up those very same shots during a match. What is going on? Why does this happen? A match means that there is a specific desire result involved. This can cause nervousness. When something is on the "record" our competitive nature kicks in and adrenaline rises. If we aren't 100% confident in our shots, concerned about our opponent, or are focused too much on the final score, then are muscles can tighten up. These factors can lead to missed shots. When you hit great shots during practice, stop and take a moment to record this information in your mind. Think about how loose and strong your muscles felt during the shot. Focus on your footwork. Connect a positive experience with the shot. Spend a few moments each day to visualize hitting great tennis shots. Remember how it felt to hit those shots successfully during practice. Realize that nerves will play a factor during match play. If you miss your backhand, don't automatically assume that you can't hit any more good backhands during the match. Take time between points to fiddle with your racquet strings. Breathe deeply and remember how it felt to successfully hit that shot in practice. Removed the missed shot from your mind by focusing on the upcoming point.