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Badminton players are recommended to use tactics in a match because opponents can recognise patterns in play.

If you repeat a certain shot or sequence of shots, your opponent may come to recognise this and expect it to happen. If you then suddenly change, your opponent will be caught off guard.

Example 1:

If you continue using backhand clears, then the opponent will be expecting a backhand clear. If you suddenly change your shot, for example, a drop shot to the opposite corner will catch them off guard.

*Experienced players will be aware that you can be using this tactic.

Example 2:

If your sequence is using two clear shots and then a subtle drop shot to the diagonally opposite corner of the court, and you repeat this sequence, your opponent will begin to expect these tricks.

There are more tactics in badminton which are harder to understand and require experience and practise.

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Q: Why is Strategy very important in the game Badminton?
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Although the game of badminton has existed in many different incarnations since the days of Ancient Greece, today's game derives from the western past-time of Battledore and Shuttlecock. It eventually developed into its present incarnation and was definitively launched in 1873 at badminton house, home of the Duke of Beaufort.

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How good is the Black Knight Photon badminton racket?

It is very light weight but it is not very durable like others in it's class but very good for strong players. Not so much for technical part of badminton. It will also, help to improve your game for beginners and it is better to try it before you purchase it or else you might not enjoy using it.

In Which sport do you play with a stuttlecock?

in lacrosse 2nd answer: I don't know about lacrosse, but a shuttlecock is used in the game of badminton, which is like a very lightweight version of tennis.

Who invented the game badminton?

Badminton was known in very ancient times; an early form of the sport was played in ancient Greece. In Japan, the related game Hanetsuki was played as early as the 16th century. In the west, badminton came from a game called battledore and shuttlecock, in which two or more players keep a feathered shuttlecock in the air with small racquets. The game was called "Poona" in India during the 18th century, and British Army officers stationed there took a competitive Indian version back to England in the 1860s, where it was played at country houses as an upper class amusement. Isaac Spratt, a London toy dealer, published a booklet, "Badminton Battledore - a new game" in 1860, but unfortunately no copy has survived.[2] The new sport was definitively launched in 1873 at the Badminton House, Gloucestershire, owned by the Duke of Beaufort. During that time, the game was referred to as "The Game of Badminton," and the game's official name became Badminton.[3] Until 1887 the sport was played in England under the rules that prevailed in India. The Bath Badminton Club standardized the rules and made the game applicable to English ideas. The basic regulations were drawn up in 1887.[3] In 1893, the Badminton Association of England published the first set of rules according to these regulations, similar to today's rules, and officially launched badminton in a house called "Dunbar" at 6 Waverley Grove, Portsmouth, England on September 13 of that year.[4] They also started the All England Open Badminton Championships, the first badminton competition in the world, in 1899.

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A Star Wars strategy game. I don't recommend it, the graphics are not very good