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It all depends on how hard you ride, around 600 at light effort and over 1500 in an all out race.

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Q: You weigh 277 pounds If you bike ride for one hour how many calories will that burn?
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How long would it take to burn off 170 calories riding an eliptical bike?

This is based on someone weighing 150 Pounds. Riding and Elliptical Bike at 12-14 Km/H for 17Mins will burn roughly 168 calories.

Does surfing burn off calories?

Calories burned by surfing will depend on the sex of the person and how much they weigh. For instance, a male that is 210 pounds and surfs for 30 minutes will burn 306 calories.

You weigh 132 pounds so how many calories do you burn running 1 mile?

The number of calories you burn during any exercise can vary some depending on age and gender. However, an approximate number of calories burned by someone 132 pounds is 100.

How many calories can you burn if you run six miles in 48 minutes?

It depends on your weight. It should be about 600 Calories per 130 pounds you weigh.

How many calories can you burn walking for 21 mins if i weigh 106 pounds?

You can lose 120 calories depending on how fast you walk. I'm 15 and weigh 95 pounds so I would lose less :P. GOOD LUCK!

Would you burn more calories riding a steel bike or aluminum?

If the bicycles are otherwise comparable, you'll burn the same amount of calories. If the steel bike is heavier, you'll burn a few more calories on that one.

If you weigh 270 pounds and want to weigh 200 how do you do that?

Eat less, burn more calories, be very patient. It took time to get big, it will take time to get smaller.

I've been told if I weigh 180 pounds I should only burn up to less than 250 calories for walking for an hour not 400-500 calories How do I believe which theory is true?

If you weigh 180 pounds you should burn up to less than 250 calories for walking slowly for an hour, and 400-500 if you try and run or exceed the time of your walking.

If you are 130 pounds how long do you bike to lose calories?

Depends on how hard you go at it, but I'd guess somewhere in the 1200-2000 calorie range.

How many calories does a human burn walking at 3 mph?

This will depend on how much you weigh, here is a chart (for a 3.5 mph pace):If you weigh 150 lbs, you'll burn 75 calories per mile.If you weigh 200 lbs, you'll burn 100 calories per mile.If you weigh 250 lbs, you'll burn 125 calories per mile.If you weigh 300 lbs, you'll burn 155 calories per mile.If you weigh 350 lbs, you'll burn 180 calories per mile.If you weigh 400 lbs, you'll burn 205 calories per mile.

How many calories would it take to burn thirty pounds?

You have to burn 3,500 calories more than what you consume to lose 1 pound. So to lose 35 pounds you will have to burn 122,500 extra calories.

What should you keep the level on to burn more calories on a bike?

To burn the most calories while riding a bike, you want to put it into the gear that has the most resistance, so you have to work the hardest to pedal.