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I have this exact same problem! I do soccer, swimming, softball, tennis, and track but my real passion is gymnastics. If you love something sometimes you have to make sacrifices. i had to give up softball so i could improve at gymnastics. Try to do gymnastics in between sports you just can't live without, and before you want to get involved in something new ask yourself if it's really worth it or you think you will love it as much as gymnastics. I know it's hard to do this and possibly give up something you have been working at for a long time but trust me its worth it. i have improved so much at gymnastics it's a really great sport. If you absolutely can't give up anything condition yourself until in between sports when you can do gymnastics. practice floor skills on carpet or grass, do push ups or practice the spits. It will pay off I promise. Good luck with gymnastics!

I agree with practicing the splits, they are VERY VERY important. A lot of gymnastics involves the splits. If you plan on getting into gymnastics seriously, i would recomend push ups as well. If you plan on doing just tumbling (things on floor) then you should probably do more of leg strengthing things. Gymnastics is a very big commitment (speeling?), and a great sport! My sisters and I are involved in it and we all LOVE IT!!!! :) I know u will love it if you choose to go with gymnastics! (The difference between gymnastics and tumbling is that gymnastics involves balance beam, bars, vault, and floor. Tumbling is more of things just on floor.)

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Q: You want to do gymnastics but im busy with other sports what do you do I play basketball softball and i run cross country i really want to do gymnastics?
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