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As with a ball in tennis, if the shuttle touches the line (even just slightly), it is considered in. However, in the rare case that it is out and does not touch the line, but then without bouncing a portion of it falls on the line, it is still out, since the first touch of the shuttle was outside the line.

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Q: Would it be good if the shuttle falls on the line in badminton?
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Basic skills of badminton?

there are three basic skills:-correct gripping of your racket-serve-A good forehand overhead stroke is formed upon a good overhead throwing movement.

Is balance important in badminton?

Balance is needed in tennis to correct your stance after you have hit the ball. You cannot be falling while you are playing tennis.

Can you play badminton after two years after angioplasty?

It should be safe to play badminton after that period. Asking your doctor would be a good idea.

How should you practice badminton by yourself?

Try doing serves as short as you can then long hits to the back (backhand is better) Also hitting the shuttle against the wall is good practice.

Does badminton require reaction time and aerobic stamina?

yes other wise you would not be able to hit the badminton. and would also play really shity and not be good at it

When do you use a smash shot in badminton?

There are no rules as such, but to get the most power out of a smash. Make sure you position yourself slightly behind the shuttle, give a good jump and pretend you are throwing the racket through the shuttle.

What sort of flooring is done in badminton hall?

Taraflex flooring is good for badminton.

What are some verbs for badminton?

Since it is a sport, most people "play" it. If they are very good at it, we say they "excel" at badminton. Of course, people can "win" at badminton, and they can also "lose" at badminton. And when they are first becoming familiar with the game, we can say they "are learning" badminton or they "are practicing badminton."

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Is Navid good at badminton?

no, he sucks

What happens if the shuttlecock goes out the line?

It's good! when the player hits the shuttle touches the net and continues to the service area. If it is a service it is a fault, If it is during the rally if the oppenent does not attempt it is a point for the hitter.