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You don't need a tour card to turn pro. He simply earned his after he turned pro.

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Q: Why was Tiger Woods allowed to turn pro with out a PGA Tour card?
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Is Tiger Woods the only PGA golfer that did not have to go to Q school?

No, plenty have players have got a tour card without going to Q School, Rory McIlroy for example, he won a European Tour card from finishing high enough up the money list in tournaments he received exemptions in, them qualified for a PGA tour card from his world rank. Some players play a year on the Nationwide tour in an attempt to finish in the top 25 and win a PGA Tour card.

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How is it possible to play the PGA Tour before earning a PGA Card?

Yes, There are a couple of ways to play on the PGA without a tour card. One way is a sponsors exemption. obv, this is really hard as you have to be pretty well known... Another way is most Open tournaments have a qualifying tournament to get into the main tournament. An example of someone that never had to go to Q-school or Play on the Nationwide tour is Tiger Woods.

What is the value of a 2004 Tiger Woods sp authentic card?

Try eBay or a collector for an accurate valuation.

What credit card company does tiger woods appear in tv commercials for?

American express

How much would a card of Tiger Woods when he was 3 be worth?

Try ebay, a sports memoribilia auction or a collector.

Tiger Woods third round score card for the 2002 British open?

He shot 81 in the 3rd round.

How do you you keep a champions tour card?

A tour pro keeps his card if he places in the top 125 money-winners on the PGA Tour

How many players from the Nationwide Tour earned their PGA Tour Card in 2005?

The top 25 players earn a pga card.

Who has a 2012 PGA Tour Card?

Not me.

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