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Tiger is listed first because he is the media favorite and they do not care to do a leaderboard correctly. They just put whoever they want on top in the situation of a tie.

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Q: Why is tiger always listed first if there is a tie?
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Why is Tiger Woods name first on the leader board when there are others with the same score?

On leaderboards, the person who is having the best round is listed first when there is a tie, when the round is finished, the person who finished their round first is listed first. Tiger Woods usually has a very good round, on either Friday or Saturday so this is why he is usually listed first.

How do you pronounce Tigris?

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The hair tie, also known as an elastic hair band, was invented by a British inventor named Alexander Parkes in the 1850s. He patented a material called "parkesine," an early form of plastic, which was eventually used to make hair ties.

What happens if game ends in a tie?

Before a tie in any game, there is an extra "overtime" period, which is essentially another quarter or period of the game. If there is still a tie after this, there may be a second overtime, or tie listed in the standings.

What procresses can you use on your tie?

There is no information listed on the processes a person can use on their tie. It is stated that there are four ways to tie a tie. Some of the ways are four in hand knot, half Windsor knot, and the traditional Windsor knot.

What is a tie for first place called?

a tie

What is tie for first place called?

a tie

Who won the Tiger of the Year Award in 1997?

1997 - Tony Clark and Bobby Higginson (tie)

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There was no tie that Abraham Lincoln always wore. He was however famous for his long drainpipe top hat.

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How do you pronounce taiga?

It is pronounced TIE-gah (almost like "tiger").

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