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a tie

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Q: What is a tie for first place called?
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What is tie for first place called?

a tie

How do you break a tie for gymnastics?

If you mean at a competition when two people tie, then you don't break the tie. Let's say you and another gymnast tied for first place with a 9.0, then you both would go and stand on the first place stand and you would each get a first place medal

Who gets third place if 1 and 2 tie?

There wouldn't exactly be a third place if the first two tie. I guess the third person to finish would be considered second place and the first two would both be first place. Hope this helped!

What is a cravat with a stud called?

A cravat with a stud is called an ascot tie. It is a formal necktie that is folded over and held in place with a decorative pin or stud.

What is a western tie called?

The western tie was called a bolo tie

What if two numbers are equal in finding greatest of three numbers?

Then you have a tie, for either first place or last place.

What is the cord used to tie the alb?

The cord used to tie the alb is called a cincture. It is typically a long rope or ribbon that is tied around the waist to secure the alb in place.

Who invened the hair tie?

The hair tie, also known as an elastic hair band, was invented by a British inventor named Alexander Parkes in the 1850s. He patented a material called "parkesine," an early form of plastic, which was eventually used to make hair ties.

In Golf you understand there is no tie for first place If there is a tie for second place how is the prize distributed?

The simplest way to put it is, if there is $500,000 for second place and $300,000 for third place both players are tied for 2nd and receive $400,000 each. This is how it works the whole way down the field.

What is the appropriate level to place a tie tac?

The appropriate level to place a tie tac, tie pin or tie clip is usually between the third and fourth button of a shirt, from the bottom of the shirt.

What is it called when both basketball teams have a tie?

Lol, it's called a tie c:

What is a tie called in Hindi?

A tie is called "नेकटाई" (nektai) in Hindi.