Most marathons are 26.2 miles long. This is said to be the distance between Greece and Athens where the marathon was originated. The total distance was given at 26 miles. The extra 0.2 mile was to be ran because the king and queen wanted to see the runners cross the finish line.
it's a trick question. there is no such a thing as a "70 km marathon". a marathon is always approximately 42.2 km. anything more than that is called an ultra-marathon
a marathon is how far?
A marathon's distance is 42.195 km which would be 42195meters.
~12% = 5 km / 42 km
Yes. The Marathon is second at 42.195 km and the 20 km walk is third.
676 km. (422 miles)
3 races. 3,5, & 42.2 KM in Dubai marathon
The expert answer is incorrect! A half marathon is not 21,098 kilometres, It is 21.1 kilometres
42.195 meters
422 km
422 miles
21.0975 kilometres