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Tennis scoring goes 15, 30, 40. You have to win by more than two points or it is a deuce. Then , whoever gets the next point, has an advantage. When you get another point right after, you've won the round. If not, the score goes back to deuce. That is the first game. When you've done it twice, it is called a set. On the third and final time, it is called a match. If you have won at least two out of three rounds, you've won the entire game. It's very confusing. This scoring system came from France. It is said to come from the fact that a clock face was used on court, with a quarter move of the hand to indicate a score of fifteen, thirty, and forty-five. When the hand moved to sixty, the game was over.

With regard to when the game is at deuce: when the game reaches the tie score of 40-40, it is properly referred to as "40-40". Only after the game returns to a tie score from someone having the advantage point, should the game be referred to as being at "deuce". Some unschooled tennis players will refer to a match at 30-30 as deuce. While 30-30, or 40-40 is the equilavalent of deuce, it is not properly referred to as deuce.

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14y ago

It's based on the quarters of a clock..15, 30, and 40..40 because its easier to say than 45

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The right to serve is decided by the court and the person that scored the last point will serve. <3

In tennis what is the score if the server has scored 2 points and the receiver has scored 3 points?

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