

Why do tennis balls bounce lower when they get colder?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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because tennis balls turn in to ice when cold, and then dont bounce.

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Q: Why do tennis balls bounce lower when they get colder?
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What is your hypothesis on how the temperature effects a tennis balls height?

If a tennis ball is cooler then the atoms have less energy so it may hypothetically bounce lower than if it was warmer

How are tennis balls affected by environment?

Tennis balls are affected by the environment in a few ways. The environment can affect how it bounces. Warm air makes the ball expand causing it to have a higher bounce. Cold air makes the ball contract and can make it harder to bounce.

How does a surface effect how high a tennis ball will bounce?

if it is rough it will bounce lower and it is smooth it will bounce higher

Which tennis ball bounce higher a frozen one or a unfrozen one?

Technically, a frozen tennis ball will not bounce well because of the temperature. The elasticity is one of the factors in which a ball bounces and when things are colder, there isn't as much elasticity, so it will not bounce as well. Therefore, a dry ball (as long as it wasn't frozen in a container) will bounce better than a frozen one.

How temperature affect the bounce of a tennis ball. show a bar chart?

Temperature does affect the bounce of a ball. I know this because I did an expiremnt on the exact same question. The hotter the temperature is, the more pressure builds up inside a ball and the more bouncier it will be. The colder it is, pressure decreaces making it bounce lower than what the ball bounced at room temperature. In conclusion, the ball bounces higher when it is warmer and it bounces lower when it is colder.

Do deflated balls bounce well?

No. The less air pressure in the ball, the lower the ball bounces.

Is the air in a can holding tennis balls higher or lower in the can or outside the can?

The air pressure inside the can is always higher than the air pressure outside the can. The air is compressed into the can along with the tennis balls.

Does the surface of a tennis court affect the height a tennis ball bounces?

Yes , it does You could even try it yourself for proof. Bounce something on grass then on pavement, you will see a difference in how the softer the lower.

How high do bouncy balls bounce?

the ball bounce high cause of the air in the ball If there is more air pressure in the ball it will bounce higher likewise if there is less air pressure it will bounce lower. This could be done by exposing the ball in different temperatures. If the ball gets hotter it will bounce higher and if gets colder it will bounce lower.

When you drop a ball why does it bounce lower and lower?

Because with each bounce it loses energy.

Does a wet tennis ball bounce lower than a dry one?

It depends. If a tennis balls are hit with the same amount of force, then the dry tennis ball will travel faster and farther. However, if the two tennis balls begin traveling at the same speed, then the dry tennis ball will slow down more rapidly than the wet tennis ball. The reason is the added mass of water. It would take more force to make the wet tennis ball fly as fast as the dry, but the added mass also requires more force to slow down the wet ball.

How does temperature effect how high a tennis ball will bounce?

when the temperature is cold, the air inside the basketball will shrink, and hotter temperatures will expand the air creating more air pressure inside the ball making it bounce better, try putting a balloon in the freezer and seeing how much it shrinks and expands when you take it out. But what would happen if the pressure in the basketball was the same in the warm and cold conditions? The colder ball would have to have more mass of air inside of it. At least to first order, they response to the external impact would be the same. I would bet that the stiffer rubber would still make the cold ball bounce lower than the warm one, but it would be an interesting experiment. Remember that air affects the height the basketball bounces. Colder air is more dense and therefore has more friction than warm air. The difference isn't entirely noticeable in something as big as a basketball but for example in badminton the shuttlecock which has high air resistance responds differently in different climates. You need to buy either faster or slower shuttles depending on the temperature on the day.