The battery is probably running out. A battery for an electric trolley usually only lasts around 70 rounds you should charge it up and try it next time. If the problem persists you may need a new one.
if all your batteries are good and charged up you have a bad speed solenoid if your cart is older than 1993. But, if its a newer cart you could have a bad controller box. Make sure your batteries are good, it only takes one bad cell in one battery to mess things up sometimes
I was wondering if you could tell me if my Club Car is a 36 volt or a 48 volt by the serial number #A9113240918. I can't seem to find it anywhere..The book I got with this used cart says its a 48..
It seems that golfers often comment on the "form" and "stance" of other golfers. It would seem appropriate to learn how to grip the Golf clubs, how to hold your arms and body, how to stand, and how to swing properly.
Golf wedges can be purchased at many golf shops such as Golf Town and Golf Plus Stores. One can also purchase them online at Amazon and Overstock. Many golf courses sell clubs, wedges and putters as well.
because in Africa it is poplaur because im and African American
It really depends on what you mean by "better." Electric seem to cook more evenly than gas stoves. Electric are also more popular. Gas stoves seem to be less expensive to operate over the long run and have a good performance on low heat because you can actually see and adjust the flame.
It seems that golfers often comment on the "form" and "stance" of other golfers. It would seem appropriate to learn how to grip the Golf clubs, how to hold your arms and body, how to stand, and how to swing properly.
A left handed golf bag is set up so you could pick the bag up with your left hand,,,,,,,while having the bag on your back the irons will be aiming out the left handed side of the bag as walking down the fairway.........
It seems that golfers often comment on the "form" and "stance" of other golfers. It would seem appropriate to learn how to grip the Golf clubs, how to hold your arms and body, how to stand, and how to swing properly.
It seems that golfers often comment on the "form" and "stance" of other golfers. It would seem appropriate to learn how to grip the Golf clubs, how to hold your arms and body, how to stand, and how to swing properly.
It seems that golfers often comment on the "form" and "stance" of other golfers. It would seem appropriate to learn how to grip the Golf clubs, how to hold your arms and body, how to stand, and how to swing properly.
It is an unfortunate reality that you are.Without proof of who did the damage, your insurance company will pay for the damage once you make the claim.The owner of the cart is not liable, since they were not operating the cart.If you attempt to claim them liable, the owners of the cart, (the store), will make the assertion that since you parked where you did, you are more liable than they, since you chose the parking space, whereas they had no control over where the cart went.(It may seem messed up, but such is our judicial system, for logic or otherwise.)