It doesn't. You typically want to hit the ball in the center of the racket, or a little bit towards the tip of the racket. Hitting near the edge of a racket produces sidespin, which makes your ball inconsistent and probably slows the ball down because it won't penetrate the court like a normal top-spin shot.
When the ball hits the tennis racket, topspin (preffered stroke of tennis) makes the ball spin. The upward motion of the racket hitting the tennis ball.
tennis ball
No, it's 'these tennis rackets and ball'
It is a push. See you push it forward with the tennis racket, making it go forward, away from you. When you pull something, you're bringing it toward yourself. But when you hit a tennis ball, you push the ball away from you.
a tennis racket,ball,and court
yes, but if the server swings the racket without hitting the ball, it is a double fault.
You swing your racket at the ball
Yes, the weight. The lighter the tennis racket, the lighter you hit the ball. The heavier racket can hit harder shots.
The ball loses 50% of its speed by the time it reaches the net.
now rubber
A tennis ball
For a basic tennis lesson, you want to instruct in how to hold the racket, possibly a western grip. Then you will wan to have a lesson about getting comfortable with hitting the tennis ball. You can have the ball hit higher so it is easier to hit.